Thursday, August 13, 2009


So... I think my head is going to explode. Trying to figure out student loans for college is exhausting. I think I might just punch the next person who even thinks about mentioning student loans. On the Up side: God is in control and He will supply very need according to His riches in glory. It's tough trying to figure out how I'm going to pay for college. I wish that money grew on trees. Either that or going to college would be free. But I think that money is more likely to grow on trees. Well aside from the wishful thinking; I have to do more than just find loans, I have to buy stuff for college. Like sheets and pillows. Holli suggested that I make a list of the things I need. Good idea. Right now I have toothpaste, pencils, erasers, a pencil sharpener, notebooks, folders, two storage bins, and two towels that I bought yesterday with a $10 Kohl's giftcard that was sent in the mail. I'm so broke, Humpty Dumpty laughs at me. Well, that's all folks. Blog atcha layta!

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